At Metatron Studio we understand that outfits can have a more extensive life by being made available to rent for photoshoots, or extra special occasions. As such we have made our archive and custom made pieces available for rental. A fee of 33% of the retail price is charged + both ways shipping if required. This is based on a 7 day rental period. International rental is based on 2 weeks.

Please email an image of the desired look and we can advise on sizing, fit and availability. For payment options and full rental contract please contact us with an enquiry.

A late return fee is applicable if the items are not returned within the arranged rental period or 50% extra if pieces are damaged beyond acceptable levels or not returned within 21 days. Please note as the rental pieces available are mostly press samples and some visible damage is possible. Upon your request you will be advised on the quality of the pieces. We cannot rent underwear for hygiene reasons so if a look you choose requires the matching bottoms these will need to be purchased.