Are you ready for a wild ride through the history of BD*SM?

While the term BD*SM may have only been coined in 1969, the practices of bon*dage, discipline, sad*ism, and maso*chism have existed for thousands of years. From ancient fertility goddesses to modern-day pop stars, the union of pain and pleasure has left its mark on society.

Take a journey with us to learn about the rich and fascinating history of BD*SM.

John Willie

The Ancient Roots of BD*SM

The roots of BD*SM date back to ancient civilizations. In Mesopotamia, around 4000 BCE, the goddess Inanna would whip her subjects until they became aroused and had sex in her honor. Fast forward to 490 BCE, and you'll find The Tomb of the Whipping in Etruscan civilization, depicting men flogging women in an erotic context. The Kama Sutra, written between 400 BCE and 300 CE, also delves into BD*SM practices such as biting and impact play, and even mentions obtaining consent before engaging in such activities.

Kama Sutra

BD*SM in Literature and Art

Throughout history, BD*SM has been depicted in literature and art. In the 15th century, Italian philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mirandola mentioned a monk who couldn't enjoy sex unless he was struck with a whip soaked in vinegar. The 1748 English novel Fanny Hill, also known as Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, is considered to be England's first explicit novel and includes scenes of orgies, whippings, and canings. Even brothels and doctors' offices of the time offered flogging as a service.

Fanny Hill

The Evolution of Language

The language used to describe BD*SM practices has evolved over time. The word "sad*ism" comes from the French nobleman, the Marquis de Sade, who wrote novels in the 18th and early 19th centuries full of explicit sexual acts. Meanwhile, the term "maso*chism" was coined by psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing to describe the writings of Austrian author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.

Marquis de Sade

The Emergence of BD*SM into Mainstream Culture

From 1945 to 1959, artist and photographer John Willie published Bizarre magazine, featuring illustrations, cartoons, and photos of bon*dage fashion. Bettie Page was a frequent collaborator and model, bringing BD*SM into the mainstream and starting an aesthetic movement. In the 1950s, leather-wearers formed a sexual subculture, and by the 1960s and 1970s, BD*SM support groups like the Eulenspiegel Society in New York and the Society of Janus in San Francisco emerged.

John Willie

Pop Culture and BD*SM

Since the 1980s, pop stars and mainstream fashion have embraced the aesthetics of BD*SM, from harnesses to masks. Today, there are numerous BD*SM conventions worldwide, showing the evolution of this once-underground community into a thriving subculture.

Debbie Harry in "Videodrome", 1983

In conclusion, BD*SM has a rich and fascinating history, from ancient civilizations to modern-day pop culture. From goddesses to serial killers, and from underground communities to mainstream fashion, BD*SM has left its mark on society. So, whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just a curious mind, delve into the kin*ky history of BD*SM and learn something new!


METATRON is here to supply premium quality restraintsharnesses and other play equipment for both beginners and experienced BD*SM players and to contribute to a responsible, safe and enjoyable practice.


In case we missed something, any recommendations are welcome; we eagerly await your observations and opinions.

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