Metatron Premium leather collection, luxury harness, lingerie and accessories.

Sustainability is concerned with the environmental impact of a product and its manufacturing. First and foremost, there are several methods for a brand to be sustainable. The list of chances for businesses to ensure more sustainable procedures is limitless - not to say they take them on - and ranges from materials used to waste disposal.

METATRON’s main focus when it comes to sustainability is using only natural and extremely durable materials, avoiding waste, guaranteeing low energy usage, and developing products that will last years and years to come. Let us explain:


We exclusively work with Premium Italian vegetable tanned, full grain leather. Veg tanned means that before arriving in our workshop the hides are treated with plant-based dyes, as opposed to chemicals. This means that the tanning process is non-toxic and causes much less harm to the environment and the finished product is completely biodegradable. Full-grain on the other hand is the highest possible grade of leather money can buy! It is leather which retains the top layer of the skin, maintaining all its unique characteristics. This means less waste and much more durability, as the top layer is not brushed off and disposed of as seen with genuine leather, which is the lowest possible quality grade.


This leather is one of the most ecological and sustainable material in the market currently, no animals are killed for their skins, on the contrary, the raw hides used by our suppliers are the discarded by-products of the food industry.


Our items are handmade, beginning to end! All METATRON products are entirely made using traditional sadlary techniques. One item takes many hours to assemble, which is why this method is such a rare find.


Handmade also means there is very limited use of machinery, and thus less energy consumed by our Atelier.


Durability resulting from the leather and assembly technique described above means that METATRON products are going to last for a long time! This means less wasteful unnecessary consumption and consequently reduced use of natural resources.


 METATRON is a Slow Fashion Atelier that breaks the cycle of fast fashion by producing consciously fair and handmade created items made to order. Our design philosophy is to produce quality pieces that will remain for years to com